Friday, August 24, 2012

The Pisgah Switch

I officially downgraded to the Pisgah 23K this week. I kind of wanted to do this race all along, and my 50K training was lacking really long runs, and life looks too busy the next few weeks to get any in. So, instead of running slower than I want for a really long time, my new goal is to run hard the entire time on the short course. Not sure what a realistic goal is - 2 years ago I ran 1:58 and I've run a ton since then.  Can't wait!! 


  1. Good idea. I was just thinking yesterday that you were lacking in long runs. I think you'll run around 1:45 +/- 2min. Should be a blast. I'm looking forward to the short course too!

  2. 5 Hammetts in the short race now.

  3. The Hammett's are going to be dropping the hammer at Pisgah! You are going to kill your 2010 time.
