Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekly Log 7-4-11 to 7-10-11

Monday: 9 miles trails

Tuesday: 8 miles trails

Wednesday: 8 miles trails

Thursday: 12 miles - Ryan Park trails alone.  Another hot day - 86 degrees, but noticeably muggier.  My plan was to run 10 miles in the shade (2 x woods).  After a mile I felt hot and a little weird, but I soon was feeling really good and tacked on the fields before stopping at my car after 7 miles for water.  I also was cooling off in the large stream near the parking lot.  As I was running the last five miles in the woods, I couldn't stop thinking about how I wanted to sit and soak in the stream when I finished.  Alas, upon reaching the stream at the end of the run, I was not going to have the place to myself - there was a guy letting his two large dogs swim.  I tried to squeeze in upstream above the murkiness, but the dogs came over to me and shook themselves off.  It was kind of annoying, so I took that as a cue to leave.  Total time: 1:32:44. 

Friday: 10 miles - Big River trails with Muddy Puddin.  We met up Friday afternoon to do the out and back course around Carr Pond.  No sun or heat, but man the air was soupy.  We ran with water as there were no Keenyans with us to talk us out of it.  The trails were a little slick, but we spent the time chatting away, so I don't remember the running part.  We kept up the conversation in the parking lot on my favorite topic, but I needed to go buy a new car!  Total time: 1:16:36. 

Saturday: 6 miles - Shumunkanuc Hill roads with Sarah.  My wife biked while I ran before we had to pick up the kids from their sleepover.  I had to run faster than I really wanted to, but this was a really fun run.  She would wait for me on the downhills, and I did my best to push her on the climbs.  Extremely muggy out.  Total time: 42 minutes and change. 

Sunday: 3 miles - Watch Hill roads with Brett.  This was actually two runs.  We dropped our families off at the beach and then parked our cars at a friend's house and ran back to the beach.  This was fun and the post run ocean swim was fantastic.  The run back in the middle of the day with a wet bathing suit was pretty miserable.  Oh well.  Great day at the beach. 

Weekly Total: 56 miles
Last Week: 55 miles
Year to Date: 1230 miles

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